Thursday, October 05, 2006

Rage of a wild fire

Here I am fire running throw me
I am stand ing right in front of you
why don't you say some thing like always do
or is it fearthat runs throw you
cry little boy I am here to do some thing
and I will hurt you if you do or don't
you are my target and that the end of it
I want to see you try to run from me you little shit
I am here for the time it take you finish you
the fire it burning throw me
devouring me to the point I about to release it
on to you just to get rid of you
the rage the hate that it with in me
and I will get rid of all of it just for you
your death will be seen by all and I may
be the one standing above you then
time to die, I will hunt you out until
you are where I want down in the ground.


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