Tuesday, March 13, 2007


oh silent days and silent nights
where we cry out without a voice
feeling so far but so close
our voices have no sound but actions tell it right
the right move means more hen life
a smile sends out hope to my life
so i kindly smile back with out a doubt
and though out the day we play our games
with out a voice, and it feels right
and it bothers us that vary night
can not sleep can not stop thinking that night
i spend the night thinking what would i say
with that voice i wish to use but the truth
nothing feels right so i sit and think some more
and finally sleep on another silent night
i wake up and see you again and sitting here feels
so right but so wrong for it is silent and want more
and once a gain i decide to write
these cryptic feelings of my soul
hoping one day and i mean today to brake the silent fight
but for now my soul flows like ink on this page
the feeling begin the same and that the way it ends
but i will find a way to brake this silent lock
all with one hit it shall end
oh silent days and silent nights


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